After such a long time off the mat, the Cougs were READY to take on comp and Varsity again.
Both teams competed in Future Cheer in Manchester and BCA in Derby a.k.a VARSITY, and did an incredible job. In the leadup to Future Cheer, COVID and injury made training very difficult, but the Cougs stayed positive and kept their eye on the win. With only a handful of cheerleaders having ever competed before, the atmosphere was nervy but so exciting. Level 1 were up first at both competitions and gave incredible performances at both. The attitude, cleanness and difficulty of their routine was off the charts and they did an incredible job.
Level 3 followed suit by hitting an almost perfect routine at Future Cheer and having a much higher difficulty at BCA, with the highest tumbling score the Cougs have ever seen.
Unfortunately O*ford took the win this time, but we're ready for them next year and can't wait for a full season without COVID.
By Minnie Greaves